Monday, December 10, 2007

Luigi Pirandello, playwright: "A man will die, a writer, the instrument of creation: but what he has created will never die!"

1) Having a theme in a writing is very important. It provides for in-depth thought at analysis and makes to think of how to apply the certain themes to life. Every story has some sort of point to it, with a moral or idea that can be applied to life in some way. For an illustration to be "great", it needs to evoke some sort of emotion, and provide for further discussion, which could spark ideas about everyday life. Examples of stories or plays that have theme can range from a children's story such as Cinderella, to a more challenging story such as Invisible Man.

2) The reason such literature lasts for so long is because at some point it evoke some serious thought in someone which caused them to pass the ideas of the piece along and make some sort of changes in the world. The reason such old plays and stories are around is because they clearly illustrated what society was like in that time period and how characters dealt with moral issues in their lives. Right now, I don't think that I could write a piece that would last forever and be recognized in the future. However, if I kept a journal or something it would be interesting to keep it for a long time and pass it on to my children, and maybe for their children it would be interesting for them to read what my life was like. I've always thought that it would be interesting to know what my parents' lives were like when they were teenagers.. because they always complain how hard their life was and what amazing teenagers they were. THAT would have been lasting literature.

3) If I could send out one message to the world, it would be PEACE. I would want the world to see that it is possible to have friendship and relation instead of hate and war. Even though countries and people may disagree with each other doesnt mean that we need to declare ourselves enemies and wage war. As a writer, if i had substantial talent, I would write a book, showing the potential of our world with peace, kindness and no war or hate. I would hope that when people read my book, or whatever piece of writing I come up with, they will be inspired and look for changes within their communities. Slow changes like that can really start a movement for change. And all that can be sparked by an idea in a good piece of literature.


Jordin said...

I agree and disagree with you about the whole old great works because yes I do believe they portray their time period well but I also think that the themes back then can still be applied in today's life.

Rima H said...

I really do love peace :]]]]]]